lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007

¡Viva Sevilla!

The first activity we did when arriving in new cities was to walk around and get accustomed to the area we were in. Sevilla was so beautiful, that we happily walked around and snapped a few photos. It´s very picturesque and, although it´s quite a bit bigger than Segovia (about a million people live in Sevilla), it still had a small town feel. Here is a picture of a few of us by the river, so beautiful!!
Along with beautiful streets in Sevilla there are many fountains to decorate the squares. Here´s a picture of one of my favorites! ¿Qué guay, no?
In our free time we went shopping. Lots of shopping! Then we went to a fútbol (soccer) game that night. It was especially special because it was against Sevilla and Barcelona... it was also for an important Cup of some sort. Sevilla won!! Gooooooooaaaal! The city burst with life at 1am. The entire night we heard the Sevillian anthem, firworks, and car horns. The energy was contagious and we found ourselves partying along with them until ungodly hours! Phew, what a fun night!

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