martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

The Cathedral and The Jewish Cemetary

Yesterday (Mon the 14th) We went on a walk through the Judería, the Jewish quarters in Segovia. Per many countries in Europe, the Jews were persecuted and we often forced into neighborhoods and locked away from the rest of the city, eventually being excommunicated. This occured in Segovia as well, although not to a very extreme degree. The photo above is part of the Jewish cemetary (you can even see the outline of the body). They were buried inside the rock on the outskirts of the city, only about 3% of the tombs have been dug up, the rest still remains deep underground.

We also went into the Cathedral in Segovia. It was very beautiful, of course, although I´m told that we will see some more beautiful cathedrals in Andalucia this weekend (I´m told the one in Sevilla is breathtaking). I enjoyed seeing all the amazing stained glass windows, as this Cathedral is thought to be one of the most well lit.

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