martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

Madrid: Food Chapter

We also ate extremely well while we were in Madrid. The last day we were there, we ate outside at a restaurant in one of the main plazas. This is a picture of my favorite Spanish dishes, the tortilla española. It really only consists of eggs and potatoes, but is amazingly delicious. We only ordered one piece for our table, so we´re all taking bites together to be sure that no one gets any more than anyone else (we were kind of joking and kind of serious at the same time). My madre makes something called a bodega con tortilla, which is a large sandwich with the tortilla in the middle. Let me tell you, she knows the way to my heart! I´m going to try to find a recipe for the tortilla so I can make it for everyone at home too.
Here´s my friend Val pouring one of my favorite Spanish beverages, Sangria. It pretty much consists of wine and fruit juices, but is very very yummy. We´ve tried to order it at bars but many don´t make it. Apparently it´s more of a tourist thing to order...but since they have it at all the restaurants and I am, in fact, a tourist, I´m going to continue ordering it!

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