martes, 29 de mayo de 2007

¡Mi Casa!

Alright, here is where I have been living for the past month:
This is my bedroom. Yes, it´s a little cluttered right now but I´ve been too busy to clean. Unfortunetly my window does not give off a very interesting view (only of the apartment next door) so I just keep the shades closed. It´s a little smaller than my room at home but I like it!
This is the bathroom. I was so surprised when I arrived because I was actually given my very own bathroom. Again, a little smaller than I´m accustomed to but it gets the job done. I was a little confused at first because you don´t push the handle to flush on the side of the pot, like you would in most U.S. bathrooms. Instead, you either pull up a lever on the top or you push a button. Don´t worry, I figured it out fairly quickly.
Here´s the kitchen, where we eat every day! It´s also where the clothes washer is too. Kind of multi-purpose.
And finally the living room. This is where we eat on special occasions (the only time I´ve eaten there is Mother´s Day) and where we watch T.V. and movies. I´m so lucky to have been put with a family that appreciates movies like I do (actually my sister´s favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn, same as me! What are the odds?).

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