miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

Titirimundi: Acrobats

While I am in Segovia, theres a festival going on called El Festival Titirimundi. Most of the performances include puppets, although this one was acrobatics. They take place at various plazas and theaters, some are free and some are not. The performers in this act entertained us by pole twirling at dangerously high heights (without any supports), flipping and dancing wildly across the stage, and tight rope walking in crazy positions. The picture on the left (sorry you have to turn your head) is of the woman performer walking across the tight rope on her toes. It was amazing!! You cant see very well in the photo, but the plaza this performance took place in was packed with people from all over Spain. Many of the kids either sat in front or on their parents shoulders. The festival lasts for a week (until next Tuesday) and I am very excited to see whats in store for us today.

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