martes, 29 de mayo de 2007

Toledo Power!

On Saturday, we went on our last excursion to Toledo. It was so amazing!! The city, as you can see, is beautiful. After a 2 hour bus ride, we met up with Gloria, our tour guide. She took us to the Cathedral, an old synagogue, and to a church that houses a very famous Greco painting.
This is the beautiful Cathedral in Toledo. I probably like this one more than the others, actually. Although they´re all outstanding... how can I choose! This one had a lot more stained-glass windows, which I really like.

This sideways picture is of the synagogue. It has really beautiful carved walls, which you can´t see very well in this photo but you get the idea! Although the Jews were expelled from Toledo hundreds of years ago, this synagogue was not destroyed or converted into a cathedal. It was small but very interesting!

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