lunes, 7 de mayo de 2007


I got to Segovia on Wednesday, May 2nd even though the journey really began on May 1st. After many many hours of travel, we arrived in Madrid and only had to take a short bus ride to Segovia. As soon as I stepped off the bus, with bed hair and no make-up, I was handed off to my Spain mother. Her name is Pepi and I live in an apartment with her, her husband Rafael, and her daughters Irene, Lucia, and Maria Jose. Although it´s been a little difficult to adapt to the new hours here, I´ve loved every minute of it. Here is a picture I took the first day we arrive of the rooftops of Segovia. I´ve never been in a city quite this old or quite this beautiful. Those clouds that you see in the sky gave us rain for the first 4 days of our trip but today the sun finally regained it´s throne and the weather has been wonderful. ¡Que bueno!

1 comentario:

vicky dijo...

HOLA!!se que estas en ese bello pais y espero que lo disfrutes...te escribe VICKY de VIÑA DEL MAR CHILE...tambien es un pais interesante donde debieras venir algun dia.....ah!!!BENJAMIN me dijo de tu estadia por ahi...y tb me dio tu direccion del blog....pero creo que debieras escribir en español....aprovechando tu estadia por ahi..un abrazo a la distancia...VICKY